Manzil Dua: Essential Quranic Verses for Protection

Note: This page does not discuss the 7 Manzil mentioned in the Quran. Here, we are talking about Manzil Dua which includes some selected verses from the Quran.

Manzil Dua: Essential Quranic Verses for protection

What is Manzil Dua?

“Manzil” refers to a specific collection of Quranic verses recited for protection or blessings. “Manzil is a collection of particular verses; it is a well-established practice for protection against harm, magic, and certain other dangers. In al-Qawl al-Jamil, Shah Waliullah (may his soul be sanctified) writes: ‘These are thirty-three verses that dispel the effects of magic and provide refuge from devils, thieves, and wild animals.’

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manzil dua
Manzil Dua
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription
manzil dua with English transcription

What are the benefits of manzil Dua?

Manzil Dua is a compilation of Quranic verses and supplications that offer protection and healing. Reciting it is a common practice among many Muslims for various spiritual benefits.

  1. Protection from Harm and Evil:

It is widely believed that reciting Manzil Dua offers protection against evil forces, including jinn, black magic, and the evil eye. It is often recited to safeguard oneself and one’s family from these negative influences.

  1. Spiritual Protection of Home and Family:

Many people recite Manzil Dua to ensure the protection of their homes and family members from evil forces or negative energy.

  1. Healing and Cure:

It is often recited for shifa (healing) from illnesses. The verses in Manzil are said to bring peace and relief to those who are physically or spiritually unwell.

  1. Increased Faith and Connection to Allah:

Reciting these Quranic verses helps strengthen your faith and enhance your connection with Allah. It serves as a reminder of His power, mercy, and protection.

Why read Manzil?

Regular recitation of Manzil can help in the fulfillment of personal needs and desires, as it is a means of seeking Allah’s help and mercy.hat regular recitation can help in the fulfillment of personal needs and desires, as it is a means of seeking Allah’s help and mercy. Manzil Dua is often recited after Fajr and Maghrib prayers, but it can be recited at any time. The practice is rooted in the belief in the power of Quranic verses to offer protection, healing, and blessings.

Why read Manzil?

Here are the Surahs and Ayahs typically included in the Manzil:

  • Surah Al-Fatihah (Entire Surah)
  • Ayat-ul-Kursi Surah Al-Baqara Last. Ayah 1-5 and 63 and from 255 to 257 and last 3 ayahs )
  • Surah Aal e imran (Ayah 18 ,26 and 27)
  • Surah Al-A’raf (Ayah 54-56 )
  • Surah kahaf ( last 2 ayahs )
  • Surah Al-Mu’minun (Ayahs 115-118)
  • Surah As-Saffat (Ayahs 1-11)
  • Surah Ar-Rahman (Ayah 33-40)
  • Surah Al-Hashr ( Ayahs 21-24)
  • Surah Al-Jinn (Ayahs 1-4)
  • Surah Al kafiroon (Entire Surah)
  • Surah Al-Ikhlas (Entire Surah)
  • Surah Al-Falaq (Entire Surah)
  • Surah An-Nas (Entire Surah)
 The Manzil is recited in the morning and evening to seek protection from various calamities and afflictions, and to invoke Allah’s mercy and blessings.


Who wrote manzil dua?

Manzil Dua has been authored by Maulana Zakariya Kandhalvi (Rahimahullah)

Hafiz Faheem

An esteemed Islamic graduate from Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi, holding a master’s degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies. Certified from Wifaqul Madaris Al-Arabia Pakistan and The University of Karachi. With his vast experience, He is a passionate Islamic blog writer who writes on various topics such as the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah, and contemporary issues. His articles are well-researched, authentic, and engaging, and many of them are ranked on the first page of Google. He aims to share his knowledge and wisdom with the Muslim community and inspire them to follow the right teachings of Islam. He also runs his Online Quran Academy where he and his teammates' Quran teachers are assisting hundreds of Muslims globally.

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